4 Reasons You Should Consider Getting Dental Implants in the Summertime

Dental implants protect your oral health after losing a tooth. They stop the breakdown of the essential jawbone that held the tooth in place. Tooth roots not only keep the bone tissue strong (by stimulating it during chewing) but also retain its proper shape. Without it, you can actually look like you are aging prematurely! […]

Your Routine Dental Cleanings and Exams Are Essential to a Healthy Mouth and Body!

There’s a reason dental insurance typically pays for two cleanings every year. That’s because routine dental cleanings and exams help keep dental problems (and expenses) to a minimum. Catching issues early means treating them with our Family Dentist of Frisco team is the least costly and invasive to treat! If you are tempted to put […]

Sleep Apnea Adversely Affects Both Your Mental and Physical Health

The days are still short but steadily stretching longer. Yet many of us are still longing to get enough sleep and that is especially pertinent for those suffering from sleep apnea, a condition where they experience continual interruptions and pauses in breathing during their sleep. This sleep disorder arises because of airway obstructions, often from […]

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