Dental Implant Q & A To Help You Feel Excited About Creating a Healthy, Beautiful Smile!
This October we are talking about dental implants and why many people, just like you, are considering restoring their smiles through dental implant technology. This month’s blog is a Q & A to help you see the benefits of dental implants for yourself by answering our seven most frequently asked questions on dental implants! Dental […]
Why Removing Wisdom Teeth in the Summer Months Is Ideal
Summer is generally less fast-paced than the rest of the year, making it the ideal time to have dental work done that requires a recovery period. If you or your teen need to have wisdom tooth extractions, now is the time to get those done! As an oral surgery, this treatment takes some time as […]
What Can You Do if You Experience a Dental Emergency in the Frisco, TX, Area?
With the warm weather and school being out, a lot of folks are out and about, taking vacations and enjoying the great outdoors. Along with recreational activities and sports, accidents can happen, leaving an injury to you or your a loved one’s smile. Our Family Dentistry of Frisco office offers unscheduled visits with our emergency […]
Gum Surgery Can Restore Healthy Gums and Keep Your Teeth in Their Proper Place
When it comes to your smile, healthy gums are as important as healthy teeth! Without your gums to hold your teeth in place, your teeth would eventually fall out. Harmful oral bacteria and bacterial plaque cause tooth decay and cavities along with gum disease. Your gums also protect your body from the bad oral bacteria […]