4 Reasons You Should Consider Getting Dental Implants in the Summertime
Dental implants protect your oral health after losing a tooth. They stop the breakdown of the essential jawbone that held the tooth in place. Tooth roots not only keep the bone tissue strong (by stimulating it during chewing) but also retain its proper shape. Without it, you can actually look like you are aging prematurely! […]
Fall Is a Great Time To Get Your Family’s Dental Cleanings and Exams Done!
Summer is coming to a close and fall is right around the corner! This is a good time to get your dental cleanings and exams done for the second half of the year. That’s because tooth decay and gum disease never take a break, and if you need any further treatment done, this is a […]
Scaling and Root Planing Is a Great Solution for Stopping Gum Disease in Its Tracks
When it comes to keeping your smile healthy, there are two kinds of dental cleaning treatments. Of course, everyone is used to the teeth cleaning you get when you come in for your bi-annual dental checkups and exams. Using special tools, our dental hygienist will remove hardened dental plaque, also known as tartar or calculus. […]