4 Reasons You Should Consider Getting Dental Implants in the Summertime

Dental implants protect your oral health after losing a tooth. They stop the breakdown of the essential jawbone that held the tooth in place. Tooth roots not only keep the bone tissue strong (by stimulating it during chewing) but also retain its proper shape. Without it, you can actually look like you are aging prematurely! […]

What Can You Do if You Experience a Dental Emergency in the Frisco, TX, Area?

With the warm weather and school being out, a lot of folks are out and about, taking vacations and enjoying the great outdoors. Along with recreational activities and sports, accidents can happen, leaving an injury to you or your a loved one’s smile. Our Family Dentistry of Frisco office offers unscheduled visits with our emergency […]

Is It a Bad Idea To Ignore Your Toothache?

Toothache Day falls on February 9th, and at Family Dentistry of Frisco, our experienced dentist, Dr. Patel and his team are well aware of the importance of healthy teeth for a healthy functioning and beautiful smile! Toothaches may be mild or extremely painful, and depending on what’s causing it you may need to be seen. […]

What’s So Amazing About Replacing Missing Teeth With Dental Implants?

As the office manager of a dental practice for the last 25 years, I have seen so many dental implant cases. Best dentist in Frisco, TX, Dr. Paresh B. Patel, the principal dental of Family Dentistry of Frisco, has been practicing dentistry for the whole family for 25 years in Frisco, TX. His passion has […]

Smile-Friendly Holiday Gifts for the Whole Family

Have you heard the phrase, “When you smile, the world smiles with you? Smiling is contagious and has the potential to spread joy and cheer around others. With the holidays in full swing, we have some smile-friendly gift-giving ideas for your whole family — gifts that keep on giving all year round! From stocking stuffers […]

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